The 10 main points before making a decision to buy a new Laptoop

When customers ask us what kind of computer they want, we first tell them that there is no specific answer, there are different types of computers and different types of values. Whatever they want, we have created a Checklist form that enables them to make a decision before they buy.

1st size
If we think it's important to be able to take it home, you have to decide on a notebook with a small screen and slimmer. According to some notebooks, such as the Ultrabook, it should be affordable as they make it slim and lightweight. In addition, we look at computers with 12.5 to 13.3-inch screens and weighs from 1 kg to 1.5 kilograms.

Screen resolution 2
You may want to look at your computer for several hours every day, so make sure your computer screen is comfortable. Nowadays, some computers are touch screens, which means that it's really easy. (Continue ...)

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